Medical Screening

Health screening of new starters is beneficial in terms of establishing facts concerning existing medical conditions, or other potential risks, and offering advice concerning the management of safety issues in relation to any health concerns.

We offer a range of pre-employment assessment approaches, each of which is designed to assess your new employee’s medical fitness for the role. Access to this service is online and conforms to the provisions of The Equality Act.

Our range of assessments include:

  • Standard Paper Screen – A paper screen looking at past and current health declarations against the requirements and risks of the role.
  • Declaration Paper Screen – Utilises a covering declaration which filters only positive responses to occupational health, where a standard screen is then conducted.
  • Standard Physical Assessment – A paper screen is conducted in conjunction with a basic physical examination of core health measurements.
  • Comprehensive Physical Assessment – A paper screen is conducted in conjunction with a physical examination that factors in tests specific to the risks of the business.

No matter the assessment route we would offer assistance in formulating a bespoke questionnaire to match your needs, fast track assessment and peace of mind through our clear reporting sign posting any further actions to consider.

Our Standard and Declaration paper screening assessments offer fast track reporting with turnaround time-frames of under 48 hours. We conduct the majority of these remotely so that we can help to keep your costs down.

Tel: + 44 (0) 3333 441335

Occupational health specialist conducting a medical